Must be an International student enrolled in and attending a recognized higher education institute outside of their country of residence.OPT students are not eligible(Please see DIANins OPT Plan). Students must actively attend classes. Home study, correspondence and online courses do not fulfill the eligibility requirements that the student actively attend classes. The Company maintains its right to investigate eligibility or student status and attendance records to verify that the policy eligibility requirements have been met. If the Company discovers that the policy eligibility requirements have not been met, its only obligation is to refund premium.
생애최대보상한도 | Unlimited |
년간 최대보상액 | Unlimited |
질병/상해사고당 최대보상한도 | $500,000 |
협약병의원내 공동보험 | 80% |
비협약병의원 공동보험 | 70% |
학생건강센터 공제액 | $0 |
협약병의원 공제액 | $500 |
비협약병의원 공제액 | $750 |
협약병의원내 본인최대지불한도액 | $5,000 |
응급실 자기부담금(입원시 면제) | $250(waived if admitted) |
학생건강센터 자기부담금 | $15 |
전문의진료 자기부담금 | $30 |
입원시 자기부담금 | $250 |
기왕증 면책기간 | 6 months |
예방치료 | 100% upto $500 |
긴급의료후송 | 100% |
유해송환 | 100% |